What is TMJ disorder?
TMJ Disorder is becoming a more common condition, and since signs and symptoms can present sporadically and seem unrelated, it is often overlooked or mis-diagnosed.
Signs and Symptoms include:
- tooth sensitivity to hot, cold and sweet
- wearing down of tooth structure including cracked or chipped teeth
- “clicking” or “crackling” sound when opening your mouth
- limited mouth opening
- jaw ache / ear ache
- facial pain
- headaches
- radiating neck and shoulder pain
Management is usually a combination of occlusal splints, SCI Splints or (nightguards), hot and cold compresses placed directly over the joint (just in front of the ear lobe) to increase blood circulation and reduce inflammation. In severe cases, there is often a referral protocol to the hospital. Many hospitals have specific departments to deal with this condition.
For more information please contact us and we will be happy to help.
What Is SCi (NTI-tss) ?
SCi – Sleep Clench Inhibitor (previously known as NTI-tss)
The SCi is the most clinically effective FDA approved treatment for TMD, bruxism, and medically diagnosed migraines
TMD, bruxism, chronic tension headaches, migraine …
Have you ever wondered what these symptoms have in common? all of which can make your life miserable.
How does the SCi work?
The SCi reduces parafunctional intensity of the muscles at your jaw joints that open your jaw, but still provides canine contact for temporalis clenching.
Try it yourself:
Take a pencil and place it between your molars or canines. With your hands feel the temporalis muscle bulge in the temple area.
Then transfer the pencil between your incisors and palpate the temporalis at the same spot on your temples again: do you feel the difference?
Studies show that the possible contraction intensity of the temporalis muscle when only the incisors occlude is reduced by an average of 70%!